Hi Everyone!!! This is my last post from China, PTL!!! Sophie Nuan is running a low grade fever and has a runny nose. She has slept the day away so I am nervous about wether she will sleep tonight. That will not be fun!!!!! Please pray for her to feel better and for her not to scream on the airplane. We will fly to Shanghai with our travel friends from NC and then we will go our separate ways. We have had a really fun time with the Brannon family . They have made the days in GZ go by quickly!!! We will miss them!!! So long from China. The Princess will start her new life with all her family and friends. I am so excited for her when she realizes what a special life she will have!!!
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
Sorry to hear SOphie is not feeling well. I was reading one of the other families blogs and her child was running a fever too. I guess new germs huh? I'm excited you are one step closer to home. Sophie looks so cute sleeping!
I just love that little princess...look at her snoozing so peacefully!
Hang on your almost home!!!
Maybe Sophie will sleep most the way, sometimes that all you can do with a fever. Did she get any shots? That too will cost fevers, but both your friends, Nyah & Callie have been sick. Sophie looks so peaceful sleeping. Love you and can't wait to see you!!!
Sorry to hear Sophie is not feeling well, but maybe the Benadryl will work on the way home. I'm so very proud of you and very happy Sophie is coming around, we all have been praying for that moment to happen with her calling you mama. Can't wait to see you this weekend. Have safe travel's.
Praying ya'll home. I can't wait to see the new Peak Family. Sweet precious angel (at that moment) sleeping. She will do fine.
Gosh, I just love those chubby cheeks! I cannot wait to see her. I will be checking in with ASA/Delta as the day goes on tomorrow.....Looking forward to your Homecoming! Love you all Allie
Aren't they all precious while they are sleeping! I hate she is not feeling well, but that little fever may very well help her little body fight off germs until she gets home. I am praying for calm, but mostly safe travels for everyone! Can't wait to see you! Love.
Our prayers are with each of you and will be throughout your flight. Precious Sophie looks so adorable. Loved that shot of Sophie and her GeGe sleeping too! You are almost home! Please keep posting after you get home, we have grown so attached through your blog!
Whew. What an amazing trip! You will be so pleased to finally get HOME, I am sure. Thanks for posting for all of us.
We will be praying for your trip home. We also hope that Sophie Nuan will be feeling better soon.
Oh How exciting! Michelle shared with us tonight at Bible Study your schedule for travel, wow you are really close to getting home we are praying for all your safety. I know Josh can hardly wait for that moment when he will see all of you getting off that plane and he can become a physical part of this new family. She will love him. Praying she does well on the flight and it just passes quickly, hope she will be feeling better. Thanks Sherrie for keeping in touch and updating us all along the way, it has surely made us feel a big part of this journey.
Pray God's blessing upon the family as God melts and shapes your lives together with His love, joining Sophie in this precious family unit that He has brought her to live in. She is so blessed, she will come to realize that very quickly.
Love ya,
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