Tonight I was feeding Sophie noodles. I grabbed one that was hanging out of her mouth and she busted out laughing. We were in shock. Ricky took the pictures and did not zoom in so you get to see me and yes I have shorts on underneath my sleep shirt but the pictures are too priceless of her laughing so here they are
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
Love it!!!
She will soon turn hert saddness into lots of these laughs. Rest well my freind. Love you! Call me when you wake.
Those are the priceless moments you will never forget. I am so happy that she is coming around. I hope your day continues to find you in more of these moments. Good Luck and God bless!
Hey girl it's Val. I've been reading your post everyday and showing the girls your pictures. My favorite one is of Justin and Sophie holding hands! I pray that she is adjusting quickly to you and Ricky. It seems she adjusted to Justin immediately. Kevin's little sister Rebecca was the same way with him when she came from Korea. I'll keep praying and reading your posts. Love ya! Val
How Funny! It is so great to see such joy in ALL of your faces. Lots of good times to come. Everyday seems to be getting better. I'm so glad.
Thank you for waking us up this morning. The sound of her laughter made our day. Prayers are being answered. Hope you have a good nights rest.
It is so awesome to see you and justin laughing with Sophie. Those pictures were just awesome. We have been reading your blogs everyday. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are letting me share this whole experience with you guy's. It look's like Sophie is getting more and more comfortable with ya'll everyday.Thks for our friendship. Love to all.
Wonderful! This is such an answer to prayers. Hope you continue to see many more smiles.
Absolutely adorable! Cannot wait to see her..... Sweet Dreams. Allie
So glad to hear!! You will have her eating out of your hands before you know it!!!!! Love ya
You just wait...your days will be so full of laughter before long. You will be amazed as you watch her blossom before your eyes with a little time! Made our day to see Sophie laughing and smiling! Just a small taste of things to come. What a testimony to share one day for Justin! Prayers for everyone.
reading every tidbit of news and seeing each precious picture of our new "Princess Sophie" is the Pitman family's new favorite past-time. Wecannot wait for you to get home. Especially Millie-she asked last night, "Do you think she will like me? I can't wait to meet her, I think we will be best friends! Weare all so proud of Justin. We feel we are experiencing this right along with all of you. You are in our hearts and prayers.
What a blessing!!!
I love it!!! Those pictures are precious!
Hello Peak Family from the Lords, It is 5am there so I hope you are ALL sleeping. Thank you for posting the pictures and sharing the joy. The picture of Sophie looking at the paper and holding her little glasses put tears in my eyes. We eagarly wait every day to read about your journey. Miss you and love you all.You are in our thought and prayers.
Noodles make me laugh too Sophie! Precious!!!! I hate to say it, but I am thankful she was spoiled and not neglected!!!!!!! I will be praying for everyone's adjustment!!!! I love the favoritism with the Big Bro! Picture of them made me tear up!!!!!!
Nothing like laughter!! I am so glad you had that good bonding moment...praying for many more! Congrats on finally making her part of your family. Will continue to pray!
Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us! Terry, Haley and I were just looking at your little princess and reading all about your special journey. God has put you there for a very special reason and she is beautiful! Sounds like big brother duties have already started and its good to know you will have a break every now and then! Be safe and can't wait to meet Sophie.
What a wonderful sight- that smile! I pray that she will soon trust your love.
Sherri, I am loving that you are being so open with all of us about your experience. Enjoying the frequent updates. It's a blessing to share in these precious first days with you through the internet. I'm waiting for a picture of the two of you with Sophie happy and feeling comfortable! Praying it will come soon. I'd love to take pics of you two next time I'm in town.
How exciting that you now
have your adorable little princess she is all yours. The pictures are so prescious. Thankful you took Justin ..
he has surely been the "big brother". The pictures of him with her are so sweet. I know you all are tired... Sherrie I have read your blog when you were just up and couldn't sleep..hope Ricky is feeling better.
Love you and praying for you all. Enjoying all the blogs and the pictures.
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