We went to the Civil Affairs Office and the Notary and signed all the paperwork that makes Sophie officially ours. She is still not happy with BaBa and MaMa. She will only let Justin pick her up. He had to pick her up stand her on the bench and then squat down so we could take the picture at the Civil Affairs Office. She cries whenever he has to go to the bathroom. She does not want him out of her sight!!! He is the only one who can push her in the stroller unless you go up behind him and take the stroller where she can't see. She is very determined and will shake her head no or yes....More no than yes!!!!!! We go to the police station today to pick up her passport. She has had an okay day as long as she can see her GeGe. She sits in her stroller most of the time while we are in the room. She doesn't want to get out of the stroller. What ever works!!!!
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
Good evening! I am getting ready to go to work as you are, hopefully, getting ready for a peaceful night. Having it official has got to be a relief. You guys are doing great and I pray tomorrow is even better! Lots of love and hugs! Laura loves all the pictures and talked and talked about Sophie to her friend Sunday at church. We had to bring Isabella home so she could see her too!
It's only a matter of time before she warms to you and Ricky like she has Justin. Lan said just get her a bag of skittles....."all kids like skittles." :)
Hang in there sweet friend. You are doing WONDERFUL!!! I have to give her that, she has some spunk to her. She fits right in with the Peak crew. Each day will get a little better. She is precious looking even when she is crying. Sleep well!!
Good morning!!!!(here)
Give her time. I hope you have a goodnights rest. Call me when you can, I will have skype on. Love you!!!!
Hey Guy's, I just read your blog this morning ( Tuesday Sept 2). Getting ready to teach Brittani school. Just wanted you to know how proud of all of you we are.
Krisan, B-ryan, Brittani
I was so happy to see a smile, I know you guys are just going crazy over the giggles. Hang in there.
Oh, think back to when you fell in love...it started with a smile, didn't it? And a giggle is a whole lot of smiles! I think you are doing great! Love grows...remember that. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with all of us. It just feels so good to keep in touch. Hang in!
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