Sophie did so good at the medical clinic. She never cried until the last station when they made her lay down and take her diaper off. According to their measurements, sheis 36 inches tall and weighs 31 pounds.
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
jNow that is impressive! No crying at the med exam! Anna took home the prize for loudest screaming baby and all the other babies cried as well. Miss Sophie Nuan is very brave! I was noticing her pretty little heart shaped mouth in the pic of her getting weighed. A nice/smiling chinese women commented on our Anna's and said, "very pretty,heart shaped mouth,......sassy girl!" Gotta love our sassy girls! Another day closer to home!
Love it!!!
She has been around little all her little life so I think that is her comfort zone. You all look like yall had a great day!!!! Another day closer to home. Love ya had sleep well.
I just notice her socks are off and I think that same guy got married yesterday to a different girl. You friend NC has pictures on Flicka of him at the same place. he must be a model.
I am thrilled with the steps you all are taking-one step closer!
What a healthy girl. Glad she did well at the clinic. Hang in there, home is getting closer each day.
Sophie Nuan has made so many memories over the last week. God has soooo many more of those in store for your sweet family in days and years to come. I pray that He will give you emotional strength and physical energy to get through these last few days in China and the trip home. Josh has been an incredible trooper. We are helping him plan a GREAT REUNION back with his family!
Good news! Keep hanging in...every day gets you closer to your goal. Looking forward to Thursday!
Hey girl! We were not at church yesterday but we got to see Josh Saturday nite at my parents. They came by so my dad could help cut out the wood for their boat project. Cant wait for you guys to get home.... all the pics of Sophie are priceless! May God comfort you and give you strength for the long trip home. Love you! Allie
Sherri, I'm so happy for your family and I can't wait to meet Sophie!! And you hang in there--that baby won't be able to resist a mama's love for too long. She's going to wake up someday soon and know that she's home, and home is good...Praying for you all! Love, Dana McCain
Hey girl, This is the first time in a few days I could get on. The pic's of Sophie are just priceless. You know God is working if she has warmed up to you. You have years to make plenty more memories and you know you will. That is just awesome about the Doc appointment. I got to play with Daisy today at Bed & Biscuit. I am now working there.We miss you alot, can't wait untill you bring princess Sophie home on Thursday.
Sherrie.....congratulations! Sophie is adorable. For the plane ride home get a bag of cheese puffs, that always worked for my girls. Hope the rest of your time in China is good and the plane ride home goes good. Can't wait to see you when you get home.
Sheri, halleluah!!!!!!!!!!!! a real BATH!!!
Thanks for sharing you friends with me to night. Have fun today and hurry home. Sophie is so full of energy and she is getting better each day. Just wait till you get her home to all our little friends. She has come a long way in a week. Love you much!
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