Sophie has been home for one full week now and boy has it been a week. It is more like a continuous blurr!!! The jet lag was awful and trying to please and take care of a 3 year old who does not speak English and gets very frustrated when you don't understand what she wants, has been a challenge. We have had some very rough days. Trying to cope with lack of sleep has been a major problem for me this week. She still only wants Justin to lay down with her at night and I let him spend the night away 2 nights in a row to get some sleep and it left me sleepless. We are all home tonight and Sophie is sleeping soundly. Let's just hope she sleeps all night like she did most nights in China. We had one of our best days yet. She had a doctor's appointment this morning. Michelle and I took her to Olive Garden for lunch and she ate 3 bowls of potato soup. I ordered her spaghetti but she loved the soup. She is a very good eater. She eats too much as you can tell from her Buddha belly!!!! Then we went to the park and she had the best time and later to Justin's football practice and then to Joshua's soccer practice. So we are very tired and I am sure hoping for a full night's sleep!!!!!
Yea!!! I'm really glad you had a good day! Gracie LOVES that park. Someday, we'll have to take then together. I hope she'll sleep all night. I have been wondering how things were. I know getting readjusted is such a hectic time. Have you been in touch at all with the international adoption clinic in Birmingham? They have wonderful resources. We use SE Pediatrics and Gracie's Dr. used to work at the clinic, so she has alot of experience with those adorable girls of ours.
Love spending time with you today. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love you!
sweet dreams...will call. :)
Praying for all of you Sherrie, so thankful you had a good day. Hopefully she will sleep all night and things will start getting better everyday.
I know you all are tired and things hectic, pray you get a good nights sleep and feel more rested tomorrow. She is adorable, we are anxious to meet her.
I have been checking and hoping for new pictures, and for pictures that look like these two! Of course, I realize that the good times are few and far between right now but I am so happy for all of you that she is slowly adjusting. Eating lots of soup and blowing bubbles are wonderful things to do! We are praying for more moments like these and for sleep for you, Justin and Sophie. Love, hugs and kisses.
There is no other fatigue I have ever known like that of recovering from the China trip. We even termed it "China Tired". Complete opposite time zones wreak havoc on these bodies! It took us several weeks so don't get discouraged! It will get so much better! Anna did not sleep through the night for weeks but did take good naps during the day. Too good! Also ate way more that I thought she should but she eventually tapered that on her own unless it was her favorites. She also loved soups and was a pretty good slurper! Just let Sophie have as much as she wants( within reason) and she will come to understand we eat real well over here in America! There is always the next meal coming! She is in a strange land and I am sure emotional at times as she tries to adjust to so many new things. System overload! Glad you guys have had a good day and we will pray the good days start to override the tough ones! I walk every evening and pray for you guys as I walk up and down my street!
So glad to hear and see that Sophie is beginning to settle in and get more adjusted to her new routine. I know you are doing a super fabulous job. Pictures are priceless of her blowing bubbles.
It was so good to see you at the school today. Sophie is absolutely precious. i pray that the Lord will give you rest and refresh you. it is so hard to deal with anything when you are tired. i used to work nites and then stay up all day with emma when she was little and i would literally feel like a zombie! i would pray that God would help me make it through each minute. Now , I will pray that for you!! Please let me know if I can help in any way at all. Michelle J.
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