Nuan Nuan woke up this morning and her ge ge was in the shower. She was not a happy girl!!!!! This has set the tone for the day. She does not want her mama to touch her, talk to her, or feed her!!!!!! I have come to the conclusion that she is very mad at anyone who claims to be her "mama" I am sure that she is angry at her "mama" aunties for forcing her to leave her place of comfort. I think that she realizes that we are not going to hurt her and she is very comfortable sitting in her stoller and has even had some spontaneous moments of happiness. We walked today and found a McDonald's she ate a few bites of Justin's cheeseburger, a few bites of a chicken nugget and of course french fries. She gave us a couple of smiles and played on the very small area with a toddler size slide. She seems to be more upset right after she wakes up in the morning and after waking up from a nap. We have to regain her trust everytime or should I say Ricky and I do. Justin may have to quit school and do homeschool!!!! She is not going to like him being gone all day!!!! Pray for continued progress and trust. All of the comments are so comforting and keeping me uplifted. I am having a hard time but I know that Nuan is having an even harder time.
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
Good evening! That was a great picture of her laughing with the noodles and a beatiful one of her eating her fries. You know, I usually don't share my fries, especially with children, but for her I will definitely make an exception. Bless her heart, I wonder if it is hardest for her when she wakes up because she may very well think all this is a dream. The fact is, as she gets older that is exactly what she is going to come to realize. Yes, a wonderful family did go get me, loved me, and raised me as their very own! That is a dream! I hope you sleep well and I bet tomorrow will be better. You may all have to go on my full proof french fry diet. It has worked out great for me so far! Lots of loves and prayers!
JUSTIN............I have lunch duty today at school (Dante's) and I will save you your Dove chocolate!!! I'm proud of you and all the help you are to your little sister. Love, Mrs. "Suna" P.S. Dave and Drew are loving the stories of you and Sophie.
SHERRIE............ Each day will get better. YOU are her mother and soon she will realize that and love and appreciate you just as Justin and Josh do. I spent a little time with Josh last night at soccer (some boys sat in my car during practice waiting for the rain to pass) and he is doing fine. Thoughts and prayers continue from home. Much love, SUSAN
Sherrie, Hang in there sweet friend. I know you are doing great. She will come to realize that you and Ricky are the love of her life also. Justin, we are all so proud of you to hang in there and be a comfort Sophie (Nuan). You all please know that all of us back home in Dothan are continuing to pray for Sophie to bond with her new family. Precious pictures.
Sleep well.
Sheri thanks so much for starting my morning with sweet Sophie. I think she must be a night time little girl. It was so delightful watching her play this morning or last night for you guys. The night will fly by and you will be home soon. All of this time in China is just ajusting time. Justin you have shown all of us a side we rarely get to see, right now you are Sophie's only new world and it is so sweet and loving to see you doing these things. Keep up the hard work. Sheri and Ricky, I can see from day to day just from watching Skype that she is coming around and she will Love you All in time. Hang in there, she is your little princess to love forever.
Hang in there - God will surely bless your efforts with a breakthrough soon. His mercy is new every morning and soon Sophie will realize that!
McDonalds makes everyone smile! I see progress with each new post. The Lord is continuing to do a work in your lives (Philippians 1:6"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:")
We will keep praying for you.
I am saying prayers for you. It is so very difficult to be so rejected from the child you worked so hard to get your arms around. I am glad you are reminding yourself how scary and hard it is on her little heart, but from experience I know how hard it is on yours too. I am praying, and I am here for any help I can offer.
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