Last night Sophie was standing on the couch singing Happy Birthday in English. I was shocked! I guess they did teach her some English because she will also say the chinese word for Banana and then in English and then right after that she says the chinese name for apple and then the English. She seems to understand some English. When she ask me to open something or get her water. I always ask her in English if that is what she wants me to do and she will shake her head yes. I feel like that one day she will just wake up and start speaking sentences in English.
We are going to try and go to preschool and get our school picture made today. Not expecting it to happen but giong to give it a try nonetheless!!!!!
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
3 years ago
Hope that went well! Wish I was there to see it!
You are doing great. I am sure you are exhausted, but you know what is best for her! You are the expert because you are her mama! Trust yourself, the Lord will give you wisdom and discernment as you seek Him as you parent her. I am thankful for her little disposition, He has created someone precious and wonderful. You and Ricky were hand-picked by the Lord because He knows you two can handle precious cargo!!!!!!!! Rest when you can, laugh when you can't and just do the next thing!
Whoa! All this great stuff is happening fast! Not too fast for you, I know, but I didn't have time to comment this morning about bathtime and now there is more! I hope the pictures went well and that you buy a million copies. Yep, that should be about right for the number of people who want a picture of Little Miss Priss. I hope Miss Priss gets a good night sleep. We love all of you so much and can't wait to see you. I have to go check out the newest bath toys!
We were out of town for most of the week. It was fun to get back and see the new posts and progress of your princess!
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