This has been a very sad day for Nuan. She started her day by traveling from POPCH to Tianjin Children's Home about 45 min drive. We got there a few minutes before her. The director pretty much dropped her off...handed her to one of the workers
where we were and left. WE were in an office with the window open signing some paperwork and we heard a child screaming!!!! Justin looked out the window and said I think that it is her. She was crying for the director to come back. they walked us out, walked her in, handed her over and we left. This took all of about 10 minutes from the time we got there. She screamed the entire time on the 10 min ride back to the hotel. She would rare her back and hit my leg. She was saying I want my mama and my ayi.....this is what she calls the women at the orphanage. So she was not too impressed that I was saying I was her MaMa. Needless to say it has been a long day trying to entertain the princess. OUr guide talked to the director and she said that Nuan was very spoiled by her nannies. She is spoiled! Scared and spoiled!! She does not like me. she will let me change her diaper...Yes I said diaper!! Not potty trained..yikes..was not prepared for that. She tells you when she needs to be changed so she is ready but her nannies obviously spoiled her like I said. She lets me wipe her nose and that is about it. Justin is the man!!! She only wants him and will only hold his hand. He had to lay down with her to take a nap. He has strolled her around the 15 floor at least 100 times or more. She cries when he goes to the bathroom or gets out of her sight!! She looks at me like I have totally lost my mind!!! Pray we all sleep and she wakes up in a much better mood.
She is cute and she certainly looks like she has some personality. I love the pictures! I'm sure it was hard on her but she will get used to things. Justin is such a calm and loving soul...he will make a good brother and one day a good husband and father too. Hang in there Sherri things will get easier. Oh, I just love the glasses on Sophie.
Sherrie, Ricky, & Justin,
We are all smiles this morning admiring your pictures with Sophie in your arms! Sophie is absolutely beautiful. Hang in there! The first four days were a little rough for us. Love the stroller…I believe we had the same green Pooh stroller for Rachel!! We look forward to reading your blog every morning!! It brings back so many memories!
Sarah & Troy
Hang in there, it will take some time for her to trust you. As you know she is grieving for everything she has known. She will come around. (My Maggie did fairly quickly) I will be praying for her adjustment~
Good thing that you have Justin with you! I will keep praying for you and Sophie. God will work in your family.
Ok, girl, I am at a loss for words. Unusual, huh? First, she is strong and beautiful, and so are you! I am not surprised about Justin. He has been a little man his whole life. Sophie recognized his quiet strength. He was probably the only one out of you four that was not scared to death! I bet they are going to always have a special bond. I know you were disappointed how it all went down, but think of it this way. You gave birth to two that have acted the same way and looked at you the same way! She is already acting just like one of your own! Very comforting, right? I love you and again, I am so amazed at you all and so proud. I wish I could be there to help, but you wouldn't need it anyway. Can't wait to hear and see more. Hugs and prayers. Love and faith conquers all!!!!!!!
I don't know if I'm doing this right but hopefully you will get this. When I opened the page and saw all of you together I think my heart skipped a beat. I am so glad I can read about your experience as it is happening and see pictures. She is so pretty seems right at home with Justin. Isn't it funny, you get to wipe her nose and Justin gets to hold her hand. Sounds about right doesn't it? LOL I know you are all exhausted and I'm praying for your rest physically and emotionally.Thank God for your friends who have been through this and can encourage you.We love you and can't wait to have you home. (Susan Lord "your older sister")
She is precious! Okay, so she has a little bit of an attitude..well, what 'princess' doesn't? LoL :) Love the sunglasses... The pic of Justin holding her hand and walking down the sidewalk is priceless! Keep hanging in there sister, I am so proud of you! Hope you guys rest well... Sweet Dreams. Love you all! Allie
Sheri she already looks like a different child from when we Skyped. Now you have two Justin's? Isn't that funny how the two personalities cling? I am so happy for yall. I hope you all get some rest. Love you!
So glad to see the pics...I can only imagine what must be going through you mind when you got to hold her for the first time!! I got chill bumps just thinking about it. So glad Justin was able to go!! He will be an awesome big brother!! Praying today will be better for you!! Love ya!!
Justin, your the MAN!! Sherrie, she is so healthy and beautiful looking. She will settle in and get used to her new way of life and realize she loves her new family God has given her. You all look absolutely precious with her. It looks like Ricky got a smile out of her at McDonalds. She will do better today with you all. Love you all and can't wait for you to return to Sunshine Lane.
The look on your face as you are holding her says it all. How many 3 year olds have you won over in preschool? I have faith in you. I know your gentle ways. Sit back and wait...she will come to you. In her spirit she knows you are now her Mom. Justin feels safe now and who can say why she feels that, but she does. It will be you very soon. I am praying that God will speak to her little spirit and let her know that all is well. Peace to you all!
Okay once in awhile my "gut feeling" is wrong I am sooooo sorry this had to be the one time that it was. Hang in there girl, you know you are a great mom. Britt did the same thing to me when I had her. Maybe it is a girl thing.LOL So she is spoiled. You weren't going to do that to her anyway?LOL They just beat you to it. Justin walking Sophie was adorable. Like everyone has been saying, he will be an awesome big brother with the quietness about him. Hang in there today will be better. That friend of our's that adopted their little girl from China (I was telling you about) did the same thing, a few day's later she was fine and happy. Love ya guy's. I'll be praying.
I just looked at the pictures on your photo album and the are so cute. I loved them. Sophie looks great with you all. She will do just fine in time. I love the picture of Ricky and Sophie making a funny face with the french fries at McDonalds. SOOO cute. I want to say "thank you" to "Michelle" for keeping me informed on your every move with Sophie! I can't wait to meet everyone in Dothan. Keep on Loving Sophie!
Sherrie, Sometimes little ones do latch on to the man, the guy, the dad. I guess in their minds it is safer than dealing with a 'strange woman.' It will get better, but it may take a while.
I was a little surprised to hear how she was dropped off. I am sure that is on her mind as well.
I hope you will be able to tour POPCH later this week. Maybe you can meet her ayis and get more information.
Still praying for all of you.
Oopps. I hit send too soon. Sophie looks just like a little princess and I think she is sizing up her new royal family right now. She is an absolute doll! Beautiful from head to toe. You're so very blessed (it will feel like that later, I am sure.) Enjoy getting to know your daughter. She will soon be returning your love. God bless. Pia
I am praying for all of you and i am so thankful that God has placed Sophie with such a precious and loving family. Poor little thing does not understand YET what a wonderful blessing she has been given! Aren't we like that so much!! i know i often fight what God places in my life and only later do i see how God meant it for my good and for His great purpose! It is so HARD now, but she will always be thankful for what you have been through to make her a part of your family! Michelle J.
Well dear you did pray for a princess!!! My princess (Haley) and I are sitting here looking at the pics, crying, laughing, and hoping that you are getting a little bit of sleep right now. You are the greatest Mom and Sophie will know that sooner than you think. Hang in there! We love you!!!
Oh me, oh my! The pic of Sophie and Ricky... absolutely precious! That's when you know 'daddy's little girl' has him wrapped around her finger! LOL :) Hope you guys are sleeping soundly. Praying you have an awesome day!! Love you!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure if I'm doing this "commenting" thing right, but how exciting it was to read about "gotcha day".........we just got home from the beach and I thought about you all the way home. I know you are 13 hours ahead of us, so I hoped I would be able to access your blog (as you know I've had trouble in the past) and get an update. It was so awesome to see the pictures of your "daughter" in your arms, of Justin and his "little sister" holding hands and Ricky and his "little girl" eating french fries. It won't be long until she feels like a Peak and realizes that she is exactly where God wants her to be. Tell Ricky, Justin and SOPHIE that the Darty's say HELLO!! Take care, be safe and love to all.
Congratulations! We are praying that Sophie feels your family's love soon. My first daughter cried out for her Mama (and she wasn't looking for me) for days (she was 2)... it was heartbreaking but I often had read, and it turned out true for us, that the first 72 hours are the hardest. Hang in there. Hugs to you all! Kate
Sherrie and Ricky,
Deandra sent me your blog. Hang in there. We remember our China experience so fondly but also soooo loud! Now when I hear Caroline laugh out loud I can hardly remember how sleep deprived we were. She still has a loud scream when she doesn't get her way but I havne't heard of any of these Chinese princessses who don't! I will be praying for her quick attachment to you. I can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Wonderful photo's. Our Anna was crying in our gotcha day pics as so many do! The fact that Sophie was so attached to her care givers is a good thing as she will direct that same attachment to you guys with time. When you get that homesick feeling as you miss Justin and home let it help you identify with what Sophie is going through as her little heart aches being away from all she knows as home. God has you all in the palm of His hand and he will make these rough places smooth. No doubt these earliest days can be so difficult for everyone. Very common for her to latch on to one person (half in our group went for the dads and the other half the moms) and no one else. She will open her heart each day to each of you. We are praying for restoration, rest and renewal as we get to watch your family come together.
Sherrie, She is beautiful. Hang in there GOd is going to do something amazing for your family and Sophie will bond to you all. You are doing what GOd called you to do so don't lose sight of that and let GOd do HIS work.I'm praying for you and Sophie, Rickie and Justin. JOshua saw Sophie photo's tonight and said he wants to give her a hug. We can't wait to meet her.
Love and BLessings Teresa Harris
Sherrie just remember to be patient and calm girls are so much different I can already tell that. Romember that children can sense change, fear and the ones they can cling to and trust. She will come around, you have to give her time. It is wonderful how God led you to bring Justin with you. Just remember how you felt when you had the boys: scared to death but you knew you were there mother and everything would be ok and work out. The same is true now you ARE her mother now and no matter how scared you are the Lord has provided you this child to be a mother to. Good luck and my prayers are with you. And don't worry you will get to put more dresses on her than you will ever be able to count before you know it.
She's beautiful! Congratulations! We are having similar issues. Addison only wants my husband. I am just the evil lady that lives in the room! She has smiled at me a few times, but only when we're out of the hotel room. She really does NOT like the hotel room! Wishing us both luck as our girls adjust!
She's beautiful! Congratulations! We are having similar issues. Addison only wants my husband. I am just the evil lady that lives in the room! She has smiled at me a few times, but only when we're out of the hotel room. She really does NOT like the hotel room! Wishing us both luck as our girls adjust!
Sherri, I am so glad that Sophie is warming up to you, that is what we have been praying for!! Looking forward to you and your family arriving back home. I know if will be a couple of weeks before she makes it to the soccer field, but I know she will fall right in with the crowd and have a ball. Best wishes for a pleasant plane trip home!!
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