Friday, May 1, 2009

8 Months with Sophie

Put Q tips in the holes in the bathroom cabinet, of course!

Do you remember this picture?

Well you should hear this on is very loud!!!!

Sophie has been wanting to watch her "crying" video as she calls it.  We have watched it every day this week.  She just likes to watch the crying part and then she is done.  She thinks that it is funny that she is crying and tells me that she is crying because she wants her Mama and Daddy.  This is so not fact....she did not want us at all....she was one mad little Chinese girl that didn't understand what was going on.  

Thanks goodness time changes everything.  She tells me now when she watches this video that " Sophie no go back to China" "Sophie stay in America"

She is a happy little girl and a joy to so many people.  Adopting her has truly been an experience of a lifetime.


Deandra said...

What a sweet blog. Love the q-tips in the holes of the cabinet. How in the world does she think up these things? Definitely keeps you entertained. Yes, what a precious sweet blessing she is. I have been missing her lately.

Nai Nai said...

She has changed so much. Taller, hair, face and much more a people person. Love the q-tips

Tracy said...

So glad she is happy and adjusting well. Our little one was not happy at all when we first met him. We have now been home 4 weeks and he is doing much better. Seeing your blog helps me to know it will keep getting better and better.

Love the q-tips in the bathroom!

Anonymous said...

i remember that sad little girl and i thank God that i shared that very special time with her in China. I miss her soo much and im very glad to see that she is doing very well!! i cant wait till the summer; its coming very quickly!!!
xoxo, gracie :) <3

jody said...

Sherrie, You beat me on posting for 8 months! Yes, I do remember that sad Sophie, we loved her then and now! The gov't will come in and put locks on your medicine cabinet..ugh. Good talking to you today, even if it was for only a minute. Hope you had a great time at the movies. Love ya, jody

Kate said...

The q-tip thing is hysterical! So good to hear how well Sophie is doing. I love reading and seeing her adventures!

andi said...

What a sweet princess God has delivered to you my friend. A little bit of heaven that we all get to see as we have watched this story of a Forever Family unfold. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Nicole said...

The q-tips are hilarious!

Nicole said...

The q-tips are hilarious!