Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Most of you reading this know that my Joshua is never at a loss for words. He will talk to you about anything and everything and always asks a ton of questions!! Most of the time he is happy just being the only one that is talking. Today when I picked him up from school he had a lot of questions about our airplane ride. What kind of plane? How many times we will have to stop and change planes? So here is how it went after all the plane questions....

Josh: Mom can you believe we will be going to China in 2 months?

Me: Josh it will be a little bit longer than 2 months.

Josh: I'm gonna be the first person born from you to step into China. I am going to dance around and play my (air) guitar!

Me: Wow!!!

Josh: Will we have lots of snacks on the plane?

Me: Yes, there will be plenty of pretzels and peanuts and real food too.

Josh: Will they have boiled peanuts?

Me: No Josh they will not have boiled peanuts.

Josh: I am going to lay back, listen to my I-pod and drink 15 cokes!!!!!

Me: Wow that is a lot of coke....I don't think so!!!!

Josh: Mom, it won't be long before she is back there in her car seat saying "Josha, Josha"

I can't even begin to tell you how precious this conversation was to me today. Justin and Joshua are so excited and they are going to be the best big brothers to their sweet little sister!!! My heart is so full of thankfulness!!!!

1 comment:

Tonja said...

Hey Joshua,
You may need to pack a few extra snacks in your backpack to take along with you! Sometimes, they don't have a very good selection...and never any candy!